Start Young & Save
Raselynn Rosell
Just like most, I went to the bank and just agreed to what they suggested was best for me.
Saving strategies were introduced to me by my boyfriend, now fiance, when I was 23 years old. The first thing I thought was: “It’s too good to be true”. I had never heard of the options being offered to me at the time - unlike RRSPs and TFSAs, which are very common vehicles people use for saving and retirement.
I started investing at age 17, and of course - just like most - I went to the bank and just agreed to what they told me was best for me. Various advisors from different companies suggested multiple alternatives (including GICs and Mutual Funds) and I assumed I was being offered the best solutions. (Related: I Have Always Been Saving Ever Since I Started Working) At that young age, I thought I knew exactly what I was doing; which made me skeptical of the actual value Greatway was offering.
After doing my research, learning more about finance and gaining more insight, I eventually decided it was the plan I needed. Moreover, I got my license as a financial advisor. I saw the opportunity to gain financial literacy, and it opened many doors for me. I was provided with a platform to gain more knowledge, understanding, and freedom. I now have the greatest peace of mind, knowing that I will retire comfortably with all the people I've helped understand how investments work. (Related: We All Have the Power to Choose)
Start young and save! Invest in financial literacy, and invest in your future!
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