Greatway Financial

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When We Became True to Ourselves, That’s When Our Business Boomed

Phen Valera and Maricel Solidum

This month of June, we are also celebrating Pride Month all over the world. Phen Valera and Maricel Solidum are among the couples who are proud and out of who they are and also proud of what they are doing and achieving in Greatway. We are also proud of having them be part of our Wealth Diaries. Please read their story and be inspired with their journey together.

It doesn’t matter whatever your gender is, you’re accepted as a family. There’s no discrimination.
We don’t feel that we are different.
It’s actually more than family.

How did you two meet?

Phen – We met in Hong Kong and was together long distance for 3 years. We were live-in caregivers. When you are in Hong Kong, you are a permanent domestic helper. There’s no room for growth or any type of professional improvement. When your contract is done, and they want to send you back home. You have to go home. There are no compromises. My mindset was really about creating a business so I told Maricel that we should move to Canada when an opportunity came up.

Maricel – Me, I was fearful, and I admit that before, I have many limiting beliefs. Phen encouraged me to come here, and I am really glad that I listened to her.

How and When did you discover Greatway?

P – I discovered Greatway before 2015. I saw the opportunity but I still don’t have the capacity. I have that entrepreneur mindset. I believe it’s in my blood. I do everything for my family. I wore all the hats. I was the father, the mother and felt that I can’t just drop everything and do the business right away.

M – I’m not too fond of investments or any ventures really. Jona Banados, one of our friends who’s already an SVP (Senior Vice President) now, asked me to join them in Calgary while Phen was still there. I agree and went with them. We know it’s a business opportunity. So, we got presented and that’s when Phen signed up into the business.

P – If I know something can benefit my family and everyone around me, I want to see it. I loved Greatway when I saw it but because I’m the breadwinner in my family and I know that this can help me fulfill that role better. The only thing is that I know I couldn’t just drop my responsibilities. So, I couldn’t commit fully to the business. Before, even if I just buy a new phone, I can’t because I will be negative the following months. I was working 2, sometimes 3 jobs at a time and so I really couldn’t focus. Maybe, I was afraid too because I was thinking that I don’t know much about the financial industry. The funny thing is that I was trying so hard to pass the exam, but I kept failing. Maricel had it a little bit easier than me because she just had one job at that time. So, when she received her open work permit, I told her immediately to enroll as well.

What are your challenges and how did you overcome them?

M – In late 2015 or early 2016, the examinations for the provincials will change. Before it will be four modules all at once. Now, it’s going to be 1 exam per module. I should just get my license just to help Phen but not really do the business by myself. I didn’t think that I can do it. I don’t really have friends here in Red Deer and Jona did the business first. Jona was really good with approaching and her friends are also my friends. It made it a challenge for me to get clients.

P – I failed the provincial exam 21 times in total. I spent 4 years and 8 months studying and taking the exam. I experienced every weather when I was taking exams. We even have that story that whenever I go to do the exams, I can see the city changing. I can see the scenery being industrialized, new buildings, new roads, etc. and I’m still here trying so hard to pass the exam and get my license. When we attended the March 2019 Tony Robbins, I realized that I need to change my ways and that’s when I just focused on Greatway and got my license, finally.

M – I won that Tony Robbins trip in the first ever team bootcamp that was held in our CEOs House.

P – After that Tony Robbins, we had the LEAP Convention too in Edmonton in July 2019. There was a lot of momentum, and we were inspired by all of the stories of everyone in that convention.

M – Phen keep failing but I told her, it’s just money just try and try even if Phen was doubting and asking herself, “Is this really for me?” I really encouraged just keep going and don’t give up.

P – We bought our first house with Greatway. We also got Maricel’s kids from the Philippines, all paid from our commissions from Greatway. Then, we bought our second house with Greatway.

M – We were all about producing but not building just yet. We don’t have that mindset yet but after getting mentored by our CEO in their house, we realized we need to help more people achieve more in the business.

P – Once we quit our jobs, we saw the vision in Greatway, and we decided to build. We value all the learnings in Greatway. How to help people and how to build your business. Before we worked so many years in Canada as employees now, we can earn that in Greatway in just a few months. It’s really good to tell the story to tell people now. Everything is just amazing!

M – You have to love what you do. Embrace everything. We got trained in BC by one of the EVPs, by Kuya (Older Brother) Marlon in their house.

P – We were building slow, but we realized that you can be slow but still be consistent.

M – We really love Greatway.

P – You will succeed if you have willingness. We have the willingness to help other people and we gave it our all and trusted that Greatway can help us with that. Now we are helping other people. We learned that you don’t have to quit anything right now. You can still start a business. You can do Greatway to just add to your income, to your career. This is just an instrument to get to your goal.

M – Sometimes you’re going to encounter shy clients, but I told them that I am shy too. If I can do it, you can do it too. We learned about dealing with your emotions. That’s one of the first things that we got mentored. Just focus on what you really want to do.

What can you share about the Greatway Culture?

P – Here in Greatway, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have friends because you will learn how to have friends and you will be friends with the many advisors and staff in Greatway. It doesn’t matter whatever your gender is, you’re accepted as a family. There’s no discrimination. We don’t feel that we are different. It’s actually more than family. If Greatway was any different I would’ve backed out and never stay. In parties, everyone is the same, no rich no poor, everyone is equal. All of us are children of God.

M – The Greatway Logo is symbolizing this. The 4 squares together form a cross which means “Through God, everyone is equal.” You really have to introduce the Greatway Advantage. Not just the obvious financial advantages but the family culture and how everyone just want to help each other succeed. That can’t be found anywhere else.

P – We are proud of what we do in Greatway. Before, when we were a bit shy about our business, we only have just one or two clients per month. When we started becoming proud of being in Greatway, when we accepted what we are, when we became true to ourselves, when we accepted everyone too, that’s when our business boomed.

M – Yes, that’s very important, accepting everyone. Don’t think that anyone can’t do the business. Don’t be choosy and don’t be picky. Just share and share the opportunity and God will do the rest.

P – and just be excited! Marlon and Elsa told us to just share and be excited. Because the momentum, your excitement, your energy will attract positive things.

What advice can you give other people who are pursuing their goals during this pandemic?

M – When you have a profession that you chose in college/ university. You will feel you’re limited in this pandemic because a lot of places are not hiring. You just have to open your mind to more opportunities. Be flexible in what you want to do. And pray, because really God will give you a way and just focus on what you really want to achieve. Whatever you want to do, there will be a way and you will find it if you just don’t give up.

P – Also, you have to start praying. We quit our jobs because of this pandemic. I quit in Feb 13, 2020. My employer asked me to stay for a month. Maricel quit in January. We opened the store in Feb 8, 2020. The pandemic hit, after just a few days. We didn’t panic. We just prayed. If you pray, God will give you a way, a solution to any challenges that you face.

M – Now in this pandemic, you will actually see what kind of jobs and opportunities actually sticks. What will remain. For example, an engineer, you wouldn’t think that you could lose your income as an engineer. But the nurses on the other hand, are secured but you’re actually risking your health and the health of your family.

P – It’s not just you who are affected with this pandemic. It’s all over the world. You have to save. You have to have an emergency fund. We are blessed that we are in the country that it’s easy to do. People react differently to problems, the good thing in Greatway, they teach you how to be creative, how to solve problems. We are experiencing a lot of changes. Here in Greatway it’s really secure because you have always people to help.

M – We are really blessed that we are such in a secure industry. I love how we are actually thriving even in this pandemic.

P – We’re together now for 13 years and we mentioned spending 3 years as a long-distance couple. We didn’t give up on each other as we didn’t give up on Greatway. Keep going and don’t quit until you reach your goals. Thank you very much and God bless!

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