It's Not Just About Money
Josh Quines
I was around 19 years old when I had a family friend present to me. That advisor initially wanted to present to my dad, but at the time, my dad was pretty skeptical. Instead, he said I should check it out and decide for myself. I liked it and got the plan right away. I did consider becoming an advisor, but it took me a while to get around to it. I saw the income opportunities and the potential for growth. However, my parents thought otherwise. They said “No, why are you thinking of doing that? It’s just money.” Of course, like most kids, I typically looked to my parents for guidance.
During this time, I didn’t enjoy what I was studying in school, but I still took their advice and continued on with my Biology courses. A couple years later, I actually moved on from Biology and got into Computer Science. During this same time, another Greatway advisor got in touch with my parents. This time around, my parents gave the advisor an opportunity and actually listened to the presentation. Still skeptical, they did their research before applying but shortly after they did, they eventually joined the business. This was the moment that made me consider joining again. However, I still didn’t make any concrete steps towards that path. It didn’t feel right at the time given that I picked up some side projects and was also in my third year of Computer Science. (Related: You Shouldn’t Be Here)
“I felt a bit lost at the time but my parents’ success led me to believe that maybe I could earn my own success too if I focused and worked hard on my business. I learned there are different purposes when earning money.”
Since my parents are advisors and because I was curious about young people who are doing the business, I decided to attend Greatway meetings which were held weekly every Tuesday. It provided me with good opportunities to meet a lot of young advisors who were going through the same things as I was. Every time I went, it’s always good vibes. I just love the community and it kept the door open for me to becoming an advisor. In Greatway, you are provided an opportunity to qualify for cruises twice a year and I was fortunate enough to join one of the trips which was definitely an eye-opening experience. Greatway also provides multiple opportunities for personal growth, which includes world renowned transformative events like Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins. After attending these events, I started to believe that maybe I should actually become an advisor. A few short months later, I took the HLLQP exams–Harmonized Life License Qualification Program, the course that allows you to receive the life license. I finally met all the requirements to becoming an advisor; however, I wasn’t really active in the business because I still had a job.
It was when I was let go that I realized that there is not much growth available in my workplace and there’s no such thing as job security. I felt a bit lost at the time, but my parents’ success led me to believe that maybe I could earn my own success too if I focused and worked hard on my business. I learned there are different purposes when earning money. There’s the “Me, me, me” very selfish way of thinking about money and then I learned the selfless way in Greatway through the trainings and stories of other people. When you become obsessed with money, it becomes your god and everything you do in your life becomes all about you, instead of finding ways to help others. Everyone wants to earn money but are they motivated by selfishness or generosity? —that is what we need to think about. (Related: We All Have The Power To Choose)
Josh Quines with wife Jireh Quines
“Greatway has given me a platform to show other people how I utilized this amazing strategy. I can continue my legacy while also blessing others.”
In the Bible, there’s the Parable of Talents. The last servant basically didn’t do anything with what was given to him. He didn’t think outside the box. When you’re given a blessing, what are you going to do with that blessing? Are you just going to keep it to yourself or are you going to share and bless other people? A few things I learned from this parable:
1. You need to work hard and smart.
2. Don’t have that scarcity mentality.
3. Be willing to take risks.
4. Let your money work for you.
This can be applied not only in our own finances but also in other things. We have to be smart and be proactive in everything that we do. Bless others and you will be blessed in return.
Most young people love to flex name brands when you could just buy cheaper things and save. Most of these material things are temporary. It’s more important for the younger generation to have financial literacy for a better future. Have you noticed the older people who are still working? There are a few who actually enjoy their work but most of them did not save enough and now have no choice. They’re working just to survive. Is this the same future you want for yourself? Investing at a younger age is crucial. I started when I was 19 years old with $100 a month. This will provide me with more than enough income during my retirement years, as opposed to starting at a later age like 40 where I would need to put in more money. Additionally, I wouldn’t have the same retirement income. (Related: Young Adults Should Invest Into Things That Provide Long Term Happiness)
Since I was diligent enough to start saving early, I am confident that I am set. When I decide to retire, I will have more than enough. Not only for me but my family, and my children’s children just like how the bible instructed in Proverbs 13:22. Greatway has given me a platform to show other people how I utilized this amazing strategy. I can continue my legacy while also blessing others.
It’s all about taking risks and trusting God, He will provide. When you face challenges, you have to keep reminding yourself that God is there for you. If you put your trust in God, it’s going to help you keep going - that’s faith. When it comes to Greatway, they’re able to help many people because of its culture of generosity. You’re helping and building each other. One of the best parts too is that it’s flexible, you can do the business whenever you want. At a practical standpoint, there’s also a lot of room for professional and personal growth. It’s not just about making money; it’s about being educated. When you learn about finance, you can see more than what most people can. We just have to be willing to learn and keep our minds open. (Related: Have Faith)
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