Invisible Essentials – Greatway Financial


At Greatway Financial, we are strong believers that there is a spiritual purpose behind everything that happens – even if initially perceived as being bad. We choose to see the good in everything, and have faith that, ultimately, we will overcome our challenges and be in a better place than our past. As we all meditate upon this, during our staycations, we want to share with you what some alternative impacts that these times are also having on us.

Evidently, there are those that are market-driven, that are aware that the world economy, let alone our own, is down. Instead of being fearful and looking at our current situation with cynicism and in with a fatalistic attitude, they instead choose to see a golden opportunity to invest. The timing has actually never been better, for those that recognize the potential in doing so, rather than being fearful of the current fear mongering that is overtaking the world. Similarly, those that love to travel can either see this situation as limiting or they can view this moment as a staycation – allowing them to discover their own home. And perhaps, discover the countries which are proving to be the most equipped to deal with unpredictable health pandemics. Of course, we do not take the current matters lightly, but we do believe that the world needs love, support and optimism more than ever. (Related: Being Productive From Home)

“Thanks to the power of the internet, and social media, we can get closer, keep each other’s spirits high and benefit from the positive of social platforms.”

May this time remind us that we are all equal, regardless of our culture, religion, occupation, financial situation or education. If anything, we can learn to not discriminate against one another and help each other, because in the end, we are all we’ve got. Somehow, we are all connected and this situation is impacting and affecting all of us, our families, friends and loved ones. Never before has the world been so apart – yet so tightly together. Thanks to the power of the internet, and social media, we can get closer, keep each other’s spirits high and benefit from the positive of social platforms – for once (wink, wink, parents).

We understand that borders are made to protect us and ensure structure. That being said, let us also recognize that no matter the borders that we have put up, the most important passport in the world is love and humanity. This kind of passport travels across the world. Let us be grateful for our precious health, and the medical professionals and infrastructure that we may at times take for granted. The good food, water and groceries stores that we often treat as a mundane destination to get “things”. Lastly, may be grateful for the oxygen that we breath. The nature that surrounds us, for it reminds us that luxuries and material possessions are only skin deep. (Related: EQ & Compassion)


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Making Practical Decisions – Greatway Financial


Family Time – Greatway Financial