Being Thankful for 2 Things Every Day - Greatway Financial


Gratitude is the brightest light which illuminates from the soul, a powerful catalyst for happiness.

There are several ways to exercise gratitude in our lives, and many benefits explaining why it is good to do so – even for the small, seemingly insignificant things we have.  Often, our anxiety likes to root in our minds, and focus on the past – overwhelming our thoughts problems, previous mistakes, rejections, and tensions. In addition, it is natural for us to look at the future and be anxious about how things will work out. Despite these seemingly pressing issues, the reality is that we often dramatize our reality and usually tend to focus on the negative rather than the positive in our life.

Indeed, life is busy and unpredictable. Every day we are faced with the challenge of life and the difficulties that surround the context of the situation we’re in. This should not paralyze us from enjoying the time that we have, however, as it is limited. The best way to ensure that we have “good vibes” is to practice counting beneficial aspects of your life on a regular basis. Even if we are only grateful for a couple of things – you’d be surprised as to how the list piles on once you focus on what you truly have and need, versus what you want. (Related: Young Adults Should Invest Into Things That Provide Long Term Happiness)

Make incremental gestures. Start with something small and doable like being thankful for two things every day, at a particular time.
Make it a ritual, and you’ll notice a drastic change in your outlook on life, your relationship with yourself and your connection with others.

According to Dr. Melanie Badali, a Registered Psychologist and a CACBT-ACTCC certified professional in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, two common barriers to practicing gratefulness are forgetfulness and a lack of mindful awareness. We often get so preoccupied with the number of things “to do” that it’s easy to fail to remember to make time for observing anything, much less gratitude. Indeed, “it can be hard to focus on the things we are thankful for when the bad things in life are vying for our attention,” as expressed by Dr. Badali, however, neglecting to inject positivity in our day changes our behaviour and the reality of how we perceive our day, life, year, etc.

Make incremental gestures. Start with something small and doable like being thankful for two things every day, at a particular time. Make it a ritual, and you’ll notice a drastic change in your outlook on life, your relationship with yourself and your connection with others. (Related: Gratitude Box)

Source: Don’t Worry Be Grateful: Why Being Thankful Isn’t Just for Thanksgiving Day


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